Aizu Radiation Information Center
Network for Saving Children From Radiation
Greeting from the representative
Long time before we already knew the enormous crisis facing a nuclear plant disaster. Although, in my point of view, have never thought the real disaster will come. It has become true on Mar11, 2011. I was so shocked, frightened, there are those who escaped Aizu and there are those who stay to wait and to see the turn of event in the area.
Our responsibility to the next generation is so huge for letting the nuclear plant disaster to happen. Our mountains, river, land, sea and including the future of our ecology are all dying to the point that our children will never experience a wonderful world. Even we beg forgiveness it could not bring any change.
On this given condition, my mind is looking for possible collective action to save children’s lives even how small and tiny step. And last May 11, 2011 we formed the “Network to Save Children From Radiation” and on July 11, 2011 we established the “Aizu Radiation Information Center.” From hereon up to present we launched several activities.
After we witnessed the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster, let us thoroughly think how the survival of human lives. Before the nuclear disaster we are not aware of our society’s problem. For now we have to think it deeply. Each life is important and together let’s builds a “society where human life is a treasure.” Let us not be deceived with misleading information and let us protect our lives. It is us who decides on our own lives.
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